Candidate Cherry Blossom Queen (ENG)


Königin der Texte

Hamburg Queen of Texts

Charlene applies to become 1st Hamburg Cherry Blossom Queen 2015

Charlene liest vor

When the DJG, the German-Japanese Society of Hamburg started searching for the newly created role of the first Hamurg Cherry Blossom Queen (until then there were only princesses) this was a great and fascinating challenge for me.

I started studying Japan intensively. The role includes leading a delegation to Japan and representing the city of Hamburg in the land of the rising sun. It is well worth learning Japanese, at least the most helpful sentences.

I regret not having had an opportunity to personally introduce myself. That could have enhanced my chances.

In the end the jury elected a different candidate.

I posted a comment in Facebook:

Some of you know that I had applied as a candidate for the 1st Hamburg Cherry Blossom Queen. As such, I would have gotten the opportunity to represent Hamburg in Japan.

Hamburg has a city partnership with Osaka. Today I got the information that the choice has fallen on another candidate. I am a kind of cultural ambassador of Hamburg anyway and will remain so as the Queen of Texts. I would like to extend my sphere of activity to abroad. Unfortunately, I still have no date for Teatime with Queen Elisabeth. That would be gorgeous! - but it's unlikely.

Nevertheless, there are more foreign princesses and queens, not only noble, but that I would not care. I'd like to talk with them, meet with them and talk to people in other countries and overcome borders like I always do. If I had to travel far ... somehow we can manage that, too.
