Who is Christall


Königin der Texte

Hamburg Queen of Texts

Who the hell is

Christall, (Christiane Seebach)

Charlene liest vor

I have appointed Christall as my royal musician. She has composed a lovely song about the Queen of Texts

Sometimes people visit the TextLab, who haven't been there before. Like Christiane Seebach.

We are happy when new faces add new ideas to the program. Some just want to listen, others present their own texts.

On March 4th 2015 the 4th anniversary of TextLab Christiane appeared for the first time at the open cultural stage that I host.

In an instant we detected that two artists had met, who both were power women and harmonized brilliantly. All of a sudden we became very good friends. I went to the concerts she gave and she filled TextLab with life.

The more I got to know about her, the deeper I was impressed by this dear person who had suffered so much and seemed to be a universal genious on top of all.

Chances are good - I guess - the we two might become very successfull together.

Autogrammkarte Christall und Charlene